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Angelus MTA Fillapex - Bioceramic root canal sealer
Properties of MTA Fillapex
A. Setting Time
MTA-Fillapex showed average setting time of 130 minutes (2 hours and 10 minutes) with a variation of ±10 minutes.
B. Solubility
The material showed a variation of 0.1%, after submission to the phenomenon of solubility, a value lower than the maximal variation accepted by ISO which is 3%.
C. Setting Expansion
The setting expansion of the material decreases apical leakage, as demonstrated by the work below:
A. Flow
MTA fillapex has optimized flow and a low film thickness for easy penetration into lateral & accessory canals
B. Radiopacity
The optical density of the sealer must be equal or superior to the area of the aluminum scale that corresponds to a thickness of 3 mm. Software Image J was used to calculate the optical density in pixels. MTA-Fillapex presented a value 146% superior to the 3 mm of the aluminum
C. Film Thickness
Proves its high filling capacity, even in secondary and accessory canals.
D. Dimensional Change
ISO sets that the average dimensional change of the material should not exceed 1.0% shrinkage or 0.1% expansion.
The material fulfilled the requirements standardized by ISO, with an average dimensional change = 0.088% expansion.
A. Sealing of root canals
MTA-Fillapex shows an optimized flow due to the nanoparticles. It provides excellent filling and sealing of the main and lateral canals, as shown below.
- Fast tissue recovery without causing inflammatory reactions
- Great radiographic visualization
- Allows filling of accessory canals
- Perfect sealing of the conduts
- Helps in the quickly recovery of bone and cementum formation
- Faster recovery from lesions
- Easy to manipulate
- Allows its use by endodontists and general practitioner
- Easy to remove with gutta-percha solvents