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GDC PMT Set is a premium quality PMT Set used in diagnosis & treatment planning in Dentistry.
It consists of:-
- Mouth mirrors are used for indirect vision.
- Indirect vision is needed in certain locations of the mouth where visibility is difficult or impossible. The posterior (or lingual) surfaces of the anterior maxillary teeth are a notable area where mouth mirrors are often used. Other areas of the mouth can be viewed more readily with the mouth mirror, even though it would be possible to see them if the dentist or dental hygienist adjusted their body into a poor position. Without the mouth mirror, poor body positioning would occur daily and lead to chronic postural problems, especially of the back and neck.
- There are other areas of the mouth where lighting is difficult, even with overhead dentists' lights. In these instances, the mouth mirror is used to reflect light onto those surfaces. This is especially useful if the mirror is simultaneously being used for the indirect vision of an obscure area.
- Additionally, the mouth mirror is used to retract tissues, such as the tongue or cheeks, to gain better visualization of the teeth