Elastic Wrist Splint
Designed to immobilize and provide firm support to the hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in the dorsiflexion/ functional position while allowing full range of motion to the fingers and...
Wrist Splint Ambidextros
Designed to immobilize and provide firm support to the hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It immobilizes the wrist in the dorsiflexion/functional position while allowing a full range of motion to the fingers and...
Forearm Splint
Long brace designed to provide splinting support to the radius and ulna and immobilize, firmly the forearm in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in a functional position.
Wrist & Forearm Splint (R/L)
Designed to immobilize and provide firm but comfortable support to the hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in the neutral/functional position.
Elastic Wrist Splint
Designed to immobilize and provide firm support to the hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in the dorsiflexion/ functional position while allowing full range of motion to the fingers and...
Pyrax Acrylic Hi Impact Denture Base Liquid heat Cure
Product Details:- Ultra-high impact heat cured denture base Methyl-Methacrylate monomer based liquid with cross linking agent for high strength and excellent flow characteristics, good tensile strength and color stability. Application:- Accurate Fit long working time in its...
Compression Vest (Sleeveless)
Compression Vest (Sleeveless) I-83 SN,SW, MN,MW,LN,LW, XLN,XLW,XXLN,XXLW -
C. Garment Leg Below Knee (Closed Toe) (Pair)
C. Garment Leg Below Knee(Closed Toe) (Pair) I-81 SN,SW, MN,MW,LN, LW,XLN,XLW -
POLODENT DENTAL SPOON EXCAVATORS DOUBLE ENDED 6 MM Material: Stainless SteelRust freeUseable for professional dentist onlyOrthodontic productProfessional tools made with highest quality materials A spoon excavator is used to clean out and shape a carious...
C. Garment Leg Below Knee (Open Toe) (Pair)
C. Garment Leg Below Knee(Open Toe) (Pair) I-80 SN,SW, MN,MW,LN, LW,XLN,XLW -
C. Garment Leg Mid Thigh (Closed Toe) (Pair)
C. Garment Leg Mid Thigh(Closed Toe) (Pair) I-79 SN,SW, MN,MW,LN, LW,XLN,XLW -